Tuesday, January 13, 2009

First Gymboree class

Gymboree has come to Danville! There is one in Lexington so this isn't necessarily closer for us in location but it is closer to Amanda and Blake. So we tried it out Saturday and Elyse and Blake loved it! They played instruments, chased bubbles, and sang and danced. They were absolutely adorable. It's a little hard to think about paying for a class for our 1 1/2 year olds, but Amanda and I thought we could at least justify doing it during some winter months. And our husbands have said they are actually going to take them to a class every now and then. Now that will be the class where we will want pictures!


Mariah said...

How fun! Looks like Gymboree Play and Music was a big hit! Can't wait to see the pics of the dad's when they take them!

Twila and Scott said...

Where is it at in Danville? I can't wait to take Parker to stuff like this!

All 4 My Gals said...

Darrah and I did gymboree for years. We loved it! :-) I'll have to show you her video next time you're here.