Saturday, November 22, 2008

We want the warm weather back!

Elyse LOVES to play outside! If we accidentally say the word, she is headed to the door, waiting for us to open it. If we walk outside to get in the car, she is trying her best to get down so she can take off. Now that it's cold, we're trying to tell her that it is "too cold" to play outside. These are some pictures taken on one of the first cold days. You can tell she is cold and not finding much to play with but can't fight the desire to want to be out there. Luckily, after about two minutes, she did turn back to the door to head inside. The poor little thing has no idea she won't get to play outside for months. :-(

1 comment:

All 4 My Gals said...

I can't wait to see her! It's been way too long! Hey I took Darrah for a walk almost every day when we lived in Rochester, NY. Our ped wanted her outside every day, so off we went. Let your girl have her way for a few minutes each day. And hug her for us!