Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Getting cuter by the day

I know I'm biased, but isn't she a doll baby? Our little Lysee is growing (slowly but surely) and is developing in so many wonderful ways every day. She turned 9 months old yesterday and wants to walk in the worst way and does a great job when holding our fingers. She is SO active, we're convinced that's why she can't gain weight easily. She has been stuck on 14 lbs. for a couple of months. It doesn't help that she just really isn't a good eater.

We are ready for summer and I'm so thankful Ryan is a teacher too and we all get to have time off together. And it's the first summer in years that neither Ryan or I will be taking graduate classes. Hooray for being done with our Masters! 9 more school days for Ryan and 14 for me!


Matt and Naomi O'Reilly said...

I love these new pictures! She just gets cuter and cuter! :)

Jason and Karla Aukerman said...

Katie! Of course I don't mind that you found my blog! YEAH! It's been a long time, huh!? Congratas on your beautiful baby girl! I love reading updates on long lost friends! I'm glad she's doing well....and thanks for the prayers and encouragement!

Anonymous said...

That girl is too precious, just like her Mom and Dad. I love you guys. (DAD).....(Jimmy)