What a wonderful break it was! I am more ready for summer now than I have ever been. After a quick 2 night getaway with my best friends from college, I was able to enjoy days doing nothing but relaxing with my girl. If only Daddy was off last week with us, it would have been perfect. Instead, he gets to enjoy this week off. I guess that's what we get for working in two separate school districts. Oh well.
Last night we enjoyed a night of fun with our friends Jeff, Emmi, and their baby Kylie, along with Jenny, Stevie, and their daughter Ella. Both of these couples have amazing pregnancy journeys as we do also and we sat in awe of the girls as they played. We have all prayed for each of these girls before they were born and we were so humbled to remember how awesome our God is for blessing us with these children. It was a perfect end to my spring break!
The funny part of this was Elyse stayed up playing with Ella until 9 p.m. (an hour past bedtime). I thought for sure we would get to sleep in. Wrong!! Elyse was up an hour earlier than usual. So much for that thought...
We love the pictures! We had such a nice time with everyone! Lookig forward to summer and more play dates.
I missed you and hope to see you at Ms. Sherry's some this week. I am glad you got Mommy time and now you'll get Daddy time this week! Sorry I had to potty train and couldn't keep our play date :( Guess Mommies are mean sometimes!
Love, Madeline
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