Thursday, June 26, 2008

We saw Dr. Cottrill yesterday...

And praise the Lord again for wonderful news. Dr. Cottrill said that Elyse "looked great!" She did not do an echocardiogram but she listened to her lungs and her pulses and said they were wonderful. She said Elyse is still on "her own growth chart" and that is fine. She is small but she is growing at a steady pace so that is good news. She is just over a big whopping 15 lbs! :-) And she is so strong. My family is always talking about how amazing it is that you would never know how slow her little heart beats. She is just amazing. She truly is a miracle!

We were privileged enough yesterday to meet another amazing miracle in the waiting room at Dr. Cottrill's office. It was an 18 month old little boy who was born with a rare heart defect and has undergone 3 surgeries since birth. His mom and I talked and watched him play with Elyse for quite a while. He was a ray of sunshine and truly a reflection of the Lord's goodness. You never would've known the trials this child has encountered by watching him smile and play. As the day went on, I found myself unable to get this child off my mind. It amazes me that this young and vibrant boy has gone through more in his short lifetime than most of us have in our entire life. I was so blessed by meeting him and talking with his mother about his life. Ryan and I just keep feeling more and more blessed that our little Lysee continues to thrive SO much, despite her slow heart rate. Even right now as I watch her destroy the kitchen :-), I stand so incredibly thankful that she is ABLE to do this.

"Yes, I am standing by myself!!"


Anonymous said...

What wonderful news! And what a big girl...standing all by herself. She's going to run circles around you both. We sure miss seeing y'all. Gabe learned to swim the week after school was out. So now I have to watch him even more since he's no longer afraid of the water. Sounds like you are having a great to you soon.
Kristina, Jason, Keagan and Gabe

Anonymous said...

She is getting so big!!! And so cute! Hope you are enjoying your summer together!
Naomi :)

All 4 My Gals said...

Oh my baby girl! I miss her SOOOO much! You better bring her tomorrow. We are all in Lysee withdraw!