Monday, April 21, 2008

Good doctor visit!

Another huge praise... Elyse's cardiologist appointment went well. I was really worried that Dr. Cottrill would be concerned that she had not gained much weight, but she wasn't! She said that Elyse had doubled her birth weight by six months and on her way to tripling her birth weight by one year so she wasn't concerned. She and the nurse agreed they didn't think Elyse's low weight was due to her heart, rather to small parents. :-) She is stuck on about 14 lbs right now but has just now started eating the baby food well so we're hoping that weight will start increasing. She is a baby on the move, definitely crawling around the house and trying to pull up on everything in sight. We need to babyproof the house quick! We're just sure that she'll be walking in under 2 months, she wants to so bad. It's amazing! Dr. Cottrill was so impressed with where she is developmentally. It's so amazing that you would never know there is something wrong with her heart. She is so incredibly strong. God is taking such good care of her and blessing us all unbelievably!

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