Summer is going by so quickly but we are enjoying every minute! We are spending most days at the pool, which is the best place to be in this heat. I am working a lot this summer with our new school opening, which gives Daddy and Elyse lots of quality time together. They are loving it! I've included just a few pictures below to give a glimpse of our summer. Ryan took Elyse one day to the Danville basketball camp where she got to meet Coach Cal. As you can see from the look on her face, she loved meeting him. We had a wonderful dinner at our friends Jeff and Emmi's house last night and Elyse loved playing with Kylie, as usual. :-) Another picture included is Elyse being silly by wearing her swimmies on her legs. She is LOVING the water now, going under and saying "don't hold me Mommy." We can't wait for a beach vacation in July with the family! Oh and how could I forget to mention, after one week of being home with Elyse this summer, she is completely potty trained! It is amazing how she caught on and even gets up by herself in the night when she has to go. What a big girl!!