Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day...

to everyone! We celebrated Valentine's Day last night while Mom and Dad kept Elyse. We had a wonderful dinner and even got to go to a movie! We love that. Ryan was a wonderful husband and went with me to my sweetheart Jazzercize class this morning, which was so much fun! Today we will spend our day with our other little Valentine. :-)

Here are some pictures of Elyse we took a few days ago. I am also posting pictures of Elyse and Blake during the winter storm. Amanda and Brad lost power for almost a week. It was awful for them not to have power but we absolutely loved having them stay with us. The kids loved each other's company. I'm sure Elyse would've been terribly bored being in the house for so long just with us so it was great to have Blake there. And the adults enjoyed game nights and watching movies after they went to bed. We made the most of the bad situation and we were so happy and thankful we had power all week!